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Newsletter #2 | May 2024

In this newsletter you may find information regarding forecasts in fashion, shoes, textiles and home & living for 2024.  The articles are: “Margins shrink, DSO deteriorates, and more bankruptcies expected in the fashion industry”, “Despite increase in bankruptcies, slight growth in turnover for fashion and home & living”, “The new Debt Collection Services Quality Act”, “Cooperation with Turkish Clothing Industry Association TGSD”, “New credit management software”, “Invite workshop trade credit Insurance” and “Seminar international Retention of Title”.

Newsletter #1 | March 2024

This first newsletter in 2024 contains the following articles: “Fashion trade fairs”, “Consumers are more likely to find their way to physical fashion stores”, “Number of bankruptcies increased significantly in 2023”, “Number of bankruptcies in Flanders reached record high in 2023”, “Risks and opportunities in 2024 for wholesale”, “Thousands of retailers quit to avoid debt”, “WHOA protects large companies, but SMEs remain behind in debt approach: ‘Costs too high” and “Fraud insurance”.

Newsletter #4 | October 2023

This newsletter contains the following articles: “Increase in Dutch bankruptcies in 2023 will continue”, “One in three companies has become stricter on the creditworthiness of selecting customers”, “Retail sold less, but turned over more in the second quarter”, “Breakfast session: Risk appetite for doing business in Germany”, “IAF World Fashion Convention” and “Check your debtor balance before the end of the year”.

In addition, attention is paid to the meetings about WHOA, and the credit insurance workshop on November 14 and to the anniversary offer in the context of the 30-year collaboration between Allianz Trade and MODINT Credit & Finance.

Newsletter #3 | July 2023

It contains the following articles: “Make sure you have a clean sheet in your outstanding debtors list”, “Fashion failures? Bankruptcies in fashion and textiles”, “Seminar Export Market Germany”, “Number of bankruptcies accelerates +52% in the Netherlands in 2023”, “Provide security, insure your debtor risks”, “Successful Circular Textile Days”, “Advice on working capital financing” and “Best of Bangladesh in Europe September 4 and 5 at Westergasfabriek”.
In addition, an overview of which fashion trade fairs we will be present at.

Newsletter #2 | April 2023

In this newsletter: “Circulair textile also includes preventing financial waste”, “Trade mission Circular Textile to Turkey”, “Dutch bankruptcies will increase by 79% in 2023”, “Debt collection in time?”, “Did you receive deliveries too late?”, “Consultancy about supply chain finance: If you are searching for working capital”.

Newsflash #1 | January 2023

In this newsflash more about the fashion trade shows in the first season of 2023.

Newsletter #3 | December 2022

In this last newsletter of 2022, more about: supply chain finance, credit insurance, “verjährung” of your outstanding receivables, insolvenzanfechtung and general terms and conditions.


Newsletter #2 | October 2022

In this fall newsletter, the following articles: ‘Be timely with your accounts receivable risks, collection measures and accounts receivable management’, ‘Supply chain finance’, ‘Credit insurance coverage’, ‘Fraud insurance’ and ‘Receiving deliveries late.’ In addition, more on the Credit insurance workshop on November 15.

Newsletter #1 | April 2022

Germany special, including:
* German-Dutch trade reached a record amount in 2021
* Watch out for ‘Insolvenzanfechtung’ when doing business with Germany
* Increase your chances in Germany during the Munich Creative Business Week 14-22 may 
* Theme event Textile and Sustainability at ALSCO with German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce  
* Business in Germany Day on October 11, 2022 
* Training phone call management for accounts receivable in Germany

Newsletter| December 2021

In this last newsletter of 2021, articles about ‘expected growth in insolvencies’, ‘Germany: risk of industrial recession due to shortage of (raw) materials, ‘the importance of good general and purchase conditions and delivery notes’. Furthermore, attention for our renewed website and the new debt collection rates.  

Newsletter | November 2021

In this newsletter, you can read more about our service ‘invoice handling’ and the training in telephone debt collection Germany’. In addition, there is information about ‘save on currency costs with iBanFirst’, ‘Limitation of claims in Germany from 2018’, ‘Adjustment of limit application and extension costs’, ‘New scale for court fees coming up’ and attention for the credit insurance workshop.

Newsletter | March 2021

Germany remains the most important trading partner in the EU and COVID-19 has not changed that so far. Now that the opening strategy that has just been initiated in Germany, has been stopped again as a result of the rapidly increasing number of new infections, it is important to know which points need to be considered from the perspective of the lockdown. This is why this issue of our newsletter comes from our German office with an update on payment risks.

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