Credit Expo Belgium

More than 340 participants attended the annual Credit Expo Belgium on April 25, the annual ‚high mass‘ of the credit community, which took place for the second time in a row in Affligem, the 7th Credit Expo Belgium.

This year the theme was Artificial Intelligence (AI). The world of credit management is also looking at the impact of AI in our profession, but also at the impact on related areas such as legal aspects, human resources and automation. AI has the potential to radically change the way credit management is applied in organizations. With the help of AI, organizations are better and much faster able to assess risks, optimize decision-making and perfect operational processes. But this groundbreaking technology also raises important questions. What does the rise of AI mean for employment in the sector? What legal challenges lie ahead? What ethical considerations should we make when using AI in credit management? During Credit Expo Belgium 2024, experts shared their insights on these crucial issues and offered visitors numerous starting points to start using AI responsibly.

In the context of AI, MODINT Credit & Finance is well aware of the developments and we now see that the WAIR initiative, in the field of replenishment software, can already influence working capital specifically in our sector.

Credit management for fashion, sports, shoes, textile and home & living

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