
Privacy statement of Branche Creditmanagement (BCM)

Privacy policy
Branche Credit Management (BCM) is committed to ensuring your privacy and we therefore handle personal data with care. In all cases BCM adheres to the applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation.

Who we are?
BCM is a credit management organization. From our head office in Arnhem and our second office in Germany we help our customers with their financial questions. In addition to help with credit insurance, debtor management and debt collection, we offer advice and assistance with bankruptcies and legal matters.

What personal data is used?
We process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which it was provided. BCM also retains the personal data no longer than strictly necessary for the purpose for which they were provided, or as required by law.

The types of personal data, purposes and retention periods are described below:

  • Customers and suppliers:
    Name, address, home town, telephone number and email address, company name  and function. Purpose: Administration, confirmation or delivery under an order or contract, during the term of the agreement and then only in the financial  administration for up to 7 years;
  • Prospect, stakeholder and interested party:
    Name, address, home town, telephone number and email address. Purpose limitation: provision of information on the basis of prior verbal or written consent, during the period of contact;
  • Newsletter subscribers or registrations for professional meetings:
    Name, adress, telephone number, company name and function. Purpose limitation: provision of information on the basis of registration, during the period of registration;
  • Employees:
    Name, address, home town, telephone number and email address +date of birth/place, BSN number, copy of ID+bank details. Purpose Binding: Salary provision based on employment contract, during the period one has a contract;
  • Digital direct marketing:
    Name, address, home town, telephone number and email address. Purpose limitation: digital sending of information on the basis of verbal or written permission in advance, during the period that one is seen as a prospect.


In addition, BCM collects financial personal data (including assets, real estate, salary) and provides credit management services, including trade information. BCM is registered for this and as such with the Nederlandse Vereniging van Handelsinformatiebureaus (NVH), which has its own code of conduct, approved by the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

Provision to third parties
The data you provide us, we can provide to third parties, if you have given us written permission, if this is necessary for implementation of the described purposes or because it is required by law.

We never pass on personal data to parties with whom we have not concluded a processing agreement. In the processor agreement we make the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of personal data.

We do not provide personal data to parties located outside the EU.

BCM records as little personal data as possible, only the necessary. BCM also takes the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect this personal data against loss and unlawful use. These measures are:

  • Our employees are informed about the importance of protecting personal data;
  • All persons who can take knowledge of your data on behalf of BCM are bound to secrecy;
  • Logical access security: user name and password policy on all our systems;
  • In addition, management of authorizations, monitoring of websites and infrastructure for security breaches, use of firewall and agreements with suppliers about information security.


Data leaks
A data leak is a breach in the security of personal data. BCM is obliged to report a data leak within 72 hours to the Personal Data Authority and to those to whom the data belongs and/or those who use it. This obligation does not apply if the breach is not likely to pose a risk to the rights and freedoms of the individuals concerned. It is important that all data leaks that involve personal data processed by BCM are reported to BCM and assessed so that we can take action on them. You can report data leaks to BCM’s management.

Rights concerning your data
You have the right to inspect, correct or delete personal data that we have received from you.  You can also object to the processing of your personal data by us or one of our processors. You also have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data, for example if the accuracy of the data is disputed. Should personal data be corrected, deleted or restricted, this must be notified to the recipient to whom the data has been provided. Finally, you have the right to have us transfer the data you have provided to yourself or, on your behalf, directly to another party.

BCM reserves the right to make changes to this privacy statement, for example due to new developments, online services or to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. These changes will be announced on our website.

If you have any questions or comments following our Privacy statement, please contact us.

Branche Credit Management BV
Westervoortsedijk 73, 6827 AV Arnhem, The Netherlands
Postbus 882, 6800 AW Arnhem, The Netherlands /

Branchen Creditmanagement GmbH
Drususdeich 24, 47533 Kleve, Germany

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